I was nominated by Hayley at Very Mummy for the Sunshine Blogger Award. The Sunshine Blogger Award is given out by bloggers to fellow bloggers who write about positive, happy and inspiring content. It provides a good outlet to find out more about the voice behind the blog and also discover new ones to read!

Questions and Answers to the Sunshine Blogger Award
- You wake up on a desert island – what three things would you take with you? If I could take people, then of course it would be my wonderful fiancé and daughter! Failing that, if it had to be actual *objects* I would take photos of my lovelies, a notebook and pen (to let the ideas flow!) and my pink squishy ‘cushtie’ pillow.
- Do you have any bad habits? I’m sure these two are quite common but I have a penchant for diet soft drinks and also a slight addiction to Social Media!
- What was the last text you sent? (full text, out of context and unedited) Absolutely
- If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you choose as your last three-course meal and why? Starter – Garlic bread. Main – My mum’s roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings. Dessert – Lemon meringue pie with vanilla ice cream.
- What is your biggest fear? Losing my sight or hearing. I love music, conversation and looking at all the wonderful things in this world. Not being able to see and hear the ones (and things) I love would be devastating.
- Do you wish you could change your Blog name? I changed my blog name once before! I originally blogged as ‘Bracknell Family Hub’. My blog and social media campaign started as part of my social media management training. As part of this, my original aims were to promote a happy, healthy, fulfilling family life in Bracknell, Berkshire (where I live). Now that I have graduated, I have evolved as ‘Happy Family Hub’ for a few reasons. Firstly, because I love the name and secondly to broaden my blog to discuss other topics that are not as location specific (even though I do share lots to do still in the local area).
- You are tasked with saving the world, your partner is a character from the last thing you watched – who is helping you and will it be successful? If it was what we watched as an adult, then it would be Steve from line of Duty. That would be ok, as he is a hero and always exposed the villains in the end. He would also have time for a glass of wine in between! If it is what we watched with our daughter, then it would be the delightful Hey Duggee. This would definitely be a success as Duggee always knows what to do! Aaaahhhhh – Woof!
- What’s your biggest pet peeve? People that are rude or nasty. The word guesstimate. Losing at quizzes.
- What would your dream car be? I’m not really a ‘car’ person, so just one that’s comfy and big enough for us the whole family to travel around in. One that would run on fresh air / wind power would be great! I quite like the Kia Sportage and also Smart Cars. I used to have a Smart Car but it’s not so practical now for family travel!
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Married to my lovely partner and the parent of a (gulp) 7 going on 8 year old daughter! Living in our ‘forever’ family home (we are house-hunting at present so we hope to have moved within this timescale!). I also hope to keep growing Happy Family Hub and spreading positivity, sharing experiences, talking with others and providing ideas on how to make the most out of family life.
- Do you have any party tricks? No physical tricks, although I am a bit of a Pop Music expert, particularly of music from the 1990’s. Give me a pub quiz music round for the 90’s anytime! Salt n Pepa, anyone?
I hope you enjoyed reading my answers. Now it is time to pass the love along.
My sunshine blogger award nominations
I now nominate the following inspiring bloggers to receive the Sunshine Blogger Award and blog their responses:
- Becci at The UnNatural Mother
- Emma at Not My First Rodeo
- Michelle at Little Ankle Biters Berkshire
- Kate at Little Ankle Biters Oxfordshire
- Kelly at Explore and Learn Pangbourne
- Debbie at Squidgydoodle
- Katherine at Cotton and Bloom
- Alison at Relax Kids
Once nominated, if you choose to accept, you should
- Thank the person who nominated you for the Sunshine Award and link back to their blog.
- Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate other bloggers and give them questions to answer.
- Notify your nominees through social media or commenting on their blog.
- List the ‘rules’ and display a Sunshine Blogger Award image in your post.Thank the person who nominated you for the Sunshine Award and link back to their blog
The questions
- You wake up on a desert island – what three things would you take with you?
- What would you sing at karaoke if you HAD to pick one song?
- Do you have any bad habits?
- Who would play you in a movie of your life?
- If you were going to die tomorrow, what would you choose as your last three-course meal and why?
- What is your biggest fear?
- Do you wish you could change your blog name?
- You are tasked with saving the world, your partner is a character from the last thing you watched – who is helping you and will it be successful?
- What’s your biggest pet peeve?
- Who is your hero?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Do you have any party tricks?
Thanks again Hayley at Very Mummy for the nomination. I look forward to reading everyone’s responses! Do pop along to the other nominated blogger’s websites for some great reads and ideas of what to do with the kids.