Wriggle Dance Theatre, led by Co-Directors Kath Kimber-McTiffen and Lucy Knight, are a Northamptonshire based company. They primarily tour their (often free) musical based performances and workshops in libraries, community halls, schools and other educational spaces. We first learned of their work last year when we stumbled upon a performance of ‘Out of This World’ in Stratford-upon-Avon Library, sponsored by Warwickshire Libraries / Warwick District Council. My then three year old and I were transported via an interactive dance spaceship to inter-galactic territories where we met astronauts, played with aliens and even disappeared down a black hole! It was like nothing I’d ever seen before. So, when I saw that they were touring again at Leamington library earlier this year, we just had to go along! Who are Wriggle Dance Theatre?

The new production for 2019/20, ‘Rainbowfish goes Adrift’ comes full of song, dance, adventure and props galore. Children are invited to sit at the front (anywhere they wish) and join in the search for ‘Rainbowfish’ who has gone missing. Everyone watching joins in the quest to the open seas, with dance, live music and some very fishy characters. Can they help reduce plastic waste in the ocean and return Rainbowfish to the freshwater where it belongs? What is the show about?
Video Credit: Happy Family Hub (YouTube)
The cast of three, two dancers and one musician, are a testament to their art and involve the children and adults immensely. There is a lot of interaction, bubbles, touching props etc that even the more timid of children will enjoy. Everyone is welcome and everyone is part of the story. Each scene takes place in a different area of the library and we walk along with the performers. We loved ALL of it, but if we had to pick a favourite bit, we loved the underwater scene where we meet all sorts of sea creatures and also the plastic waste collection at the end of the performance!

The two ladies who dance move with ease and flexibility, with perfect comic timing and a natural ability to engage their audience. The man who plays the guitar and leads the accompanying songs creates wonderful music with catchy choruses that float around your head! (Everyone! “Rainbowfish is free, from the plastic in the sea….!”). The costumes and homemade props are a delight and the choreography and music are wonderfully imaginative. When you go to see a Wriggle Dance Theatre production, you will surely leave humming the songs. Also, smiling fondly at what you have just experienced. Five star family entertainment with a feelgood factor. Family entertainment with a feelgood factor
Video Credit: Wriggle Dance Theatre (YouTube)
Rainbowfish goes Adrift is one of the shows that is currently touring. You can view the dates and venues on the Where can I see Wriggle Dance Theatre?Wriggle Dance Theatre Website. Or, you could view the latest information on their Facebook page. We can’t wait to see the next production and will keep our ears and eyes open! Have you seen Wriggle Dance Theatre in action? Let us know using the comments box below or by visiting our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.