It has been a busy year ( Inspirationhello Coronavirus!) and Halloween will be a lot different for children this year. But does the fun have to stop? No! We have been inspired by window displays that we and others have made during lockdown and have decided to decorate our window and front door. Our criteria? (1) Things that are easy to make at home with materials in our craft box. Also – ideas that are Ideally for busy people who don’t want to spend too much time preparing a nicely decorated house! (2) Some things that are spooky but funny and not too scary for little children and (3) Not spend too much on bought decorations.

Even though Trick or Treating may be different this year, lots of families are planning to go out and follow ‘pumpkin trails’, that is to look at everyone’s Halloween decorations and enjoy the spooky fun that is on offer. We have created a window and front door small display so we can join in too! We already have some halloween decorations and wanted too to make use of some of our craft box materials to create our own witty, cute, spooky display. Halloween Decorations for Busy People – Our Display
We found some halloween images from searching the internet and used Spooky images and fontsscript fonts from a company called Font Bundles. They provide lots of different themed fonts (including free ones) that you can use for your projects! I use a Chromebook so use Canva to create designs and I uploaded the fonts in there, but you can also upload them to your PC or Mac to use how you like. There are useful tutorials on there which will give you help every step of the way, these also include information on things like using the fonts on cricut machines which are becoming increasingly popular!

Our front door is centred around the trick or treat phenomenon. This year’s traditions may be a little different this year, but we still want to offer passers by some treats if we can. For the front door we created: Front Door Trick or Treat

- A large crepe paper door ghost with trick or treat sign (Munstar Font). I printed a letter per A4 sheet of paper so it can easily be seen from the pavement.
- A hanging bat from our door lantern.
- A spider basket filled with sweets with a ‘spooky sweets’ sign (Munstar Font).

- A skeleton selfie sign (Creepy Forest Font). We wanted to give our visitors a chance to take a selfie and share to our local residents’ group for a bit of extra fun!
- A big black bucket filled with fruit and a ‘Witches’ Brew’ sign (Silhouetto Font). We may on the day also fill this water with the fruit floating in it to give that authentic ‘brew’ illusion. We wanted to offer a healthier snack this year as well as sweets!
- A big spider decoration wrapped around one of the front flower pots.

One of the things that Little C and I have most enjoyed about lockdown has been creating a window display as part of our Window Displayhomeschooling. We’ve had different themes this year so it only seemed right we created one for Halloween too to complement our door! We like the cute, funny and a tiny bit spooky vibe so decided on the following:
- A black piece of crepe paper with googly eyes stuck on. Alongside this we have a ‘Somebody’s Watching You!’ Sign (using the Midnight Show Font on an orange background with bat pictures).
- Foam bats and orange crepe paper bunting to keep up the Halloween colour scheme.
- A skeleton joke sign (using Creepy Forest font and an image of a skeleton). “Why did the skeleton not want to go to the party? Because he had no body to go with!”

- A ghost joke sign (using Creepy Forest font and pictures of ghost lollipops). “What’s a ghosts favourite pudding? I-scream!”.
- A ‘Happy Halloween (or is it?)’ sign (using The Armory Font and pictures of two smiling pumpkins).
- Another ghost joke sign (using The Armory Font and more pumpkin pictures). “Which Shakespeare Play do ghosts like the most? Romeo and Ghouliet!”.
If you like the look of some of our signs, feel free to save the images below and print off your own. If you’re inspired to make your own, don’t forget to visit Free Printables – Halloween Decorations for Busy People!font bundles for some creepy fun lettering. We used Munstar, Silhouetto, The Armory and Creepy Forest fonts to create ours. The skeleton selfie image was also found on their sister site Design Bundles.

Will you be decorating your house? Are you planning to go trick or treating or follow a pumpkin trail around the neighbourhood? Let us know what you will be doing by commenting below or by joining in the conversation on our How will you be celebrating?Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Happy Halloween!
(Disclaimer: #AD This is a sponsored post. However, all views and opinions are my own.)